Home Inspector Smithtown: Open holes in service panels can permit mice into your service panel and they love to chew on vinyl wire insulation so it is recommended these holes be capped with romex plugs.
I always find electrical issues in every home, and very few Smithtown home inspections by Meticulous Home Inspections do not have a recommendation for an electrician. In fact, every home has loose receptacles, or receptacles that are not GFI protected that should be.
When you need an experienced home inspector with hands-on background - especially electrical background - for a home inspection in Smithtown, Meticulous Home Inspection is available 7 days a week.
Don't be ridiculous, call Meticulous at 631 902 6761.
Meticulous has the skills and background to properly inspect your prospective new home. Don't be ridiculous, call METICULOUS at 631 902 6761 - 7 days a week!